• Welcome to this special New Moon in Capricorn and Solar Eclipse. What a way to finish off 2019! 



The big difference here is that there are so many planets in Capricorn and one of the recent big players is Jupiter, who has been in its ruling position of Sagittarius for a year (this is the cycle for Jupiter) and now it the sign of its fall – Capricorn. However, I don’t feel it’s right to look at it in such a black and white manner. Jupiter still likes to deliver some goodness. 

Also we have just had the Solstice on December 21,  so for the northern hemisphere its the Winter solstice and the shortest day of the year and for the Southern Hemisphere is was the longest day. This Solar and New Moon Eclipse will happen at 4 degrees & 7 minutes of Capricorn on December 26th. It will be an annular eclipse so not a full eclipse and will be most visible in some parts of Eastern Europe and in particular southern India and Sri Lanka. The moon will be passing between the earth and the sun and it won’t cover the earth entirely as in a total eclipse. However we are all still subject to the energies of this celestial event. It really impacts our emotional bodies and how it will translate into our external lives. Eclipses are external events but we really do feel them in our hearts in particular. 

What is special in this case is the fact that Jupiter has now entered the earth sign of Capricorn and joins the Sun, Mercury, Saturn & Pluto, not to mention the South Node which plays a big part in an eclipse always with the moon having to be within 18 degrees of one of the moon’s nodes. It’s said that at the time of an eclipse there is an energy like a portal opening up or like the veils between worlds are lifting. We have an opportunity to choose what or where it is we want to be. Ask yourself how the last twelve months have played out for you. What is it that you’ve had to let go of in order to grow and move forward in into your full potential somehow. Jupiter will also be conjunct the sun at this eclipse so it really is a very good opportunity to reap some of his benefits. He is the great benefic, even if he is somewhat compromised in Capricorn. 

Capricorn is very much about the physical embodiment of life and therefore manifesting fully in our physical experience. A focus on the material is inevitable at this time as well. Where is structure needed to consolidate and create the environment for us to build upon a new foundation that has been cleared over the last few months for this to occur? We also have Pluto and Saturn conjunct for the first time since 1982, so try to reflect back on what was playing out for you back then. It really will have some correlation to now. It usually happens around 33-38 years and lasts slightly over two years. Back then both planets were in the other cardinal sign of Libra. 

On Jan 10th we will have the next eclipse – a Lunar eclipse (Full Moon) in Cancer so this will be a very different energy completely and Jupiter will have widened his orb and the sun moved along into the mid degrees of Capricorn. This is the beginning of the eclipse season and we have a few to come in 2020. 

January 10th, June 5th, June 21st, July 5th, November 30th & December 14th.  So this Solar Eclipse is a beautiful way to wind up for 2019. It’s still a strong intention setting time, even though there is an opposing energy of letting go as it’s on the South Node. So let us all get serious (Capricorn loves to be serious) about where it is you want to be moving into the new year of 2020. Stay grounded in this Capricorn energy and know that the opportunity for growth and grasping your true potential is truly on offer. It is a benefic and hopeful moon. It is also just after the Solstice which also flavours this time and is a prompt for moving forward. Try to be a little more frugal as Saturn and Capricorn really encourage this and not to be wasteful or extravagant. 

So over the next two weeks before the next lunar phase of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, work on some really nourishing thoughts and affirmations. It really is a potent time for manifesting what you need and desire. Journal your appreciation for all that is going well for you right now. Sowing the seed is really what we need to be doing now as always with the New Moon, but this time it will take a little more contemplation and tuning in as we experience the complex energies of an eclipse and intense aspects going on in the heavens above. 

I wish you all a very happy and healthy holiday season, in whatever  way you celebrate. May 2020 be a grand year and one of growth and goodness.