Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog. I’ve taken quite a long break and needed to sort out my life in different areas, and also find my inspiration to write again. I took on other forms of study such as Meditation Teaching and holistic counselling and found that the teachings around that really helped me to find my centre again and it felt ok to take a step back and recharge my batteries for whatever lay ahead. I also moved home and worked through covid in another area of my work and so it’s all a part of those internal ‘changing of gears’ we go through. I hope you’ve all managed to find some stability after what has been, and continues to be, a very challenging time for many. 


So, here we are rapidly heading towards the end of 2022 and no doubt contemplating what might be looming in the astrological weather chart. Earlier this month, Neptune turned direct after being retrograde since June 28th. We may be able to see more clearly into situations that were clouding our better judgements. Confusing situations become clearer, and we should be able to apply our creative talents in a more practical way. It’s a great time to find that faith in our own abilities. We should find inspiration and act upon them more easily. Have faith in your own dreams and visions. 

On December 21st Jupiter moves out of watery Pisces and into the fire sign of Aries. It will stay here until May 16th 2023.This transit encourages us to embrace our enterprising spirit and independence. This should bring us the maximum opportunity for growth and expansion in whatever area Jupiter resides in as it transits your chart. Of course how Jupiter is going to expand and help you grow in that area of your life also depends upon what sign Jupiter is in. This is why it is helpful to have your own birth chart and know these finer details. Let me know if I can assist you with that. 

We make our own opportunities as Aries is the pioneering sign and very much about standing on one’s own two feet and being cardinal in it’s action also gives fuel to this area as well. We take the lead, initiate, inspire others, and demonstrate enthusiasm and courage. Prosperous areas are ones that allow us to head and lead, and to innovate. Faith in ourselves can bring about positive circumstances or good luck. 

On December 23rd we have the New Moon in the 1st degree of practical and earthy Capricorn.We recognise that having some boundaries and rules in place frees us up to enjoy ourselves as we meet our responsibilities. This lunation offers us the opportunity to set practical, attainable goals and work on developing maturity, self-discipline, and common sense. We’re prompted to consider and prepare for the future. The energies are shifting from Sagittarius as it’s just after the Solstice on the 21st. So now we are feeling what it’s like to live within limits and setting boundaries. This time blends well with what we all tend to do closer to the new year is when we make those resolutions and pull back on bad habits, like over eating, over spending etc. 

We now feel the importance of considering the consequences of our actions. A disciplined mind leads to happiness – quoting the Dalai Lama. We are dealing with structures when it comes to Saturn ruled Capricorn. What is not serving us well anymore? Saturn reminds us it’s not just about ‘me.’ There are limits around the decisions we make especially when we are looking at gratification. Having six planets in earth signs is another reminder we need to tend to the practical side of life and we are being prompted to tend to those chores that need attention or things we’ve put off for a while. Saturn is also about saying ‘NO!’ Say it without fear. It may be of great benefit especially when we’ve said YES too often and may have overloaded our schedules. 

Mars is still in retrograde motion and will be until mid January, so our energy has been compromised. If you feel extra tired it may also be because of the powerhouse planet Mars has the brakes on, however it’s given a negative rap mostly and that is not always the best advice. There is always a positive spin for retrograde planets. Mars retrograde usually happens every two years so it’s not as common as Mercury’s retrograde passage.Despite all its challenges, the Mars retrograde could appear as something more positive. Daily lives can be gruelling, and today’s hustle culture makes it more difficult to take it down a notch and indulge in some self-care. However, this could change.This astrophysical occurrence is a well-disguised opportunity for us to change old patterns, optimally channel our emotional energy and take stock of things on the financial, personal and professional levels. It’s a beautiful time to get in touch with ourselves and find out where we can shine and to get honest with ourselves, not to be afraid around all of that. Mars retrograde asks us how we stoke our own inner furnaces and how we motivate ourselves. Get curious about why we feel we have to motivate ourselves into ‘getting through’ certain schedules and how we force ourselves into a particular shape or form. Let go of actions or routines that feel heavy and burning you out perhaps. Feel your own emotions about where you feel exhausted, and be in time with yourselves. 

So I’ll leave it there and hope this long awaited post finds you well and feeling inspired and not too tired after what has been a very trying time during the last couple of years. Hopefully you will continue to be inspired and find fresh ways of creating new pathways that benefit you and brings great joy and and satisfaction. Remember to take time out of each day to get grounded, and don’t get too caught up in the busy-ness of life that it restricts you in being kind to the one person who really matters – you! May your end of year celebrations be happy and the new year bring peace, love and great inspiration! 

Thank you!                                                                                                                                                                              Anne  ♥