SYD – 15/8 – 10.29PM
LOND – 15/8 – 1.29PM
NYD – 15/8 – 8.29PM



Welcome to the Full Moon at 23 degrees of Aquarius. This is also Leo’s month and we have a stellar line up here with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Leo. Venus is exactly conjunct the Sun which is called a ‘Cazimi.’ It is that the Sun is infusing Venus with the extra energy to gift us with the love, passion and creative power to really engage in what it is we really love doing and perhaps have not been fully present with. This is the time to tune in and really merge with this bountiful energy of Venus. 

We have the Sun shining brightly in the fire and fixed sign of Leo, ruling the heart essentially, and then the Moon in the detached and cooler air sign of Aquarius, who governs more from the head. They are more concerned with society at large, the group or community and more global issues rather than the individual. Aquarius deals with freedom, independence and integrity. Not that Leo is not working from integrity but it is from a more subjective stance. Leo is interested in the creative spirit, individual freedom and self expression. Just a different way of reaching a similar outcome. Working together with these energies much can be achieved. 

So with Venus blending with the Sun she brings up intense feelings of love and urges us to find inspiration and to realise our gifts and let the reset take place. What is the value in this transition? She is helping us to find our heart and inner beauty. 

Also we have Jupiter stationing to go direct in Sagittarius at the same time as Uranus is preparing to go retrograde in Taurus. Value systems will get a real work out. The expansiveness of Jupiter will touch many areas of our lives, but of course if you know where the planets are in your own birth chart it is very helpful. Whether it be about finances, how you earn a living or about your friendships, there will be lessons to be learnt. Interestingly the global stock markets have taken a sudden dive right as this is happening. Uranus in the fixed security conscious sign of Taurus is not altogether compatible or comfortable there. Uranus will rock the boat and Taurus likes things to be nice and steady, so it will be interesting to see what further changes there will be in the financial markets. 

Back to the Full Moon, it will highlight the awareness of the heart, love, detachment and mastery of the emotions somehow. ‘The group’ will be important as it is represented by Aquarius. Ask yourself what it is you really want to get into, if you haven’t already. The extra fixed energy of both Leo and Aquarius will certainly give you the sticking power to apply yourself and complete what you may have started. The modern ruler of Aquarius – Uranus, is square to Mercury, so this may bring about some frustration and sudden outbursts in communication, so try to think before you speak. 

Tune into whatever it is you really want to achieve or manifest. You may just discover your inner genius. The higher mind will be filled with unique ideas so be open to the unexpected and many surprises. Enjoy the extra infusion of love, beauty and creativity bestowed upon you by Venus. Tune into nature to help you connect and stay grounded, enjoy your music, art and be open to laughter, relaxation and fun. These times are teaming with creative inspiration and so I hope you really feel the the benefit of what I believe is a really abundant and precious portal for inner growth and expansion, on many levels.