At last, the wonderfully expansive, jovial and fun filled Sagittarian energy is increasing! The New Moon phase is all about starting anew. Setting one’s intentions and so with lighter energy of the fire sign of Sag….this will be a welcome change. This takes place technically on December 3rd but we will feel the shift late Monday too. No offence intended for Scorpio, however we have been a little drenched his watery world as this weekend the moon moves through the sign of this deep and soul searching sign. There is still the connection to digging deep due to other placements in Scorpio but the element of fire changes this mood distinctly.  The Sun is already in Sagittarius so this turned the lights up in the last week of November, and I wonder if you can notice the change of pace already? It’s all about letting go as the Moon wanes now and remember our beliefs are the only thing limiting us. Free your minds  and hearts (Sag is a campaigner of freedom)  and the rest will follow! Get out of the mind and ego and celebrate this refreshing shift in your emotional state. A nice ritual may be for you to light a candle (using fire as a symbol for Sag Moon) and meditate or visualise your intentions, make your wishes. May your new passions and interests manifest more easily for you. The colour for Sag is purple and a bit like the colour you can see in the flames of a fire. Grab your arrows of truth, aim high and embrace this beautiful energy as the gracious Moon starts her new phase, soon to shine light on all we perceive to be true!

Happy New Moon, and may all your wishes come true! 🙂