Welcome back to my blog, and apologies for going AWOL for a while. Like many people, I found myself bunkering down in amongst what seems to be very uncertain and somewhat scary times. However, the need to connect and reach out to each other has never felt more important. Let’s see how we can try to make sense of what is going on here……… 



I’ve chosen to use the shift of Saturn into Aquarius as the main theme here, however it really hard to pin down any one transit at the best of times, especially at this incredible time. The grand master of structure, authority, business, financial institutions, rules and regulations has finally moved into the innovative, free thinking, ‘mad scientist’ sign of Aquarius. The sign that rules technology and collective action. The last time he visited this realm was nearly three decades ago, from 1991 to 1994. Aquarius rules the future and sensible Saturn is the planner and headmaster of the zodiac. So what may come from this configuration? Some pretty innovative and renovated ideas on a massive scale. Something this planet Earth has been long overdue for perhaps? We can already see the potential collapse of the financial markets if not already. The added stress of the spread COVID-19 throughout the world has borders closing, travel halting, businesses closing and health systems being stretched to their limits trying to cope with the climbing numbers of people falling ill and sadly dying  from this pandemic. Not since the early part of this century have we experienced this kind of shift amongst humanity. 

So Saturn moved out of Capricorn (his ruling sign & traditionally co ruler of Aquarius) a few days ago on March 23rd (in Australia) and it’s as if overnight we all felt this incredible change of energy. Needless to say, heightened by the fact we’ve had all the big players ie, Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto & the Sth Node also all in Capricorn (Mars is there now) so having the master conductor of Capricorn transiting into his other more free thinking ‘hippie’ relative sign – Aquarius, really has unlocked the potential solutions for this quandary we find ourselves in. Having relied on the systems we use, thinking it would forever hold us up and continue to deliver, we now are faced with having to really think outside the square and to re-invent ourselves as we loosen the grip on life as we knew it only a month ago. This has been building for some time, but the momentum has really kicked in. This represents a huge shift in the collective psyche. We’ve been thrown literally overnight in to a very different kind of reality! 

 People are connecting via the internet more than ever, and due to the fact we are being instructed to ‘self isolate’ and ‘socially distance’ ourselves, technology has bridged that gap so beautifully. In astrology we love looking at that bridge between Saturn and Uranus and this is also where Chiron, the wounded healer is working his magic. We need to now step out of where we’ve been, turn around and look back with a whole new perspective and discover new ways of doing things, not just for fun but for our own survival and inner healing. This is a true wake up call to dig deep and tap that inner genius and switch lanes but keep going. The fear and uncertainty will test us all. No doubt this will pose challenges and people will obviously experience losses that they may not recover, but let’s really work together in helping each other find new ways of living on this most beautiful planet that we are all custodians of. Saturn has rings around it representing the boundaries and restriction of his nature, however now in Aquarius, the message is to break free, move beyond those boundaries and be brave, inventive and humanitarian in these efforts. This will redefine our relationships completely. 

We also have Jupiter in Capricorn bumping into (conjunct) Pluto in Capricorn, having had Mars just pass over Pluto and is now about to conjunct Saturn! So this is a very historic time and we’ve been watching & anticipating these placements for years. Looking back to Saturn’s last transit in Aquarius nearly 30 years ago, one example of the type of activity that took place globally was that NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement ) was signed by Canada, the US & Mexico just weeks before Saturn left Aquarius in Jan 1994. Earlier on in 1991 there was an attempt to negotiate the Israeli – Palestinian Peace Treaty. That gives me hope that there may be some kind of relief from the closure of borders and trade war issues we have going on currently. 

Saturn will be going retrograde (appears to travel backwards) on May 12th this year, so will revisit Capricorn again for a spell on July 3rd. He stations direct on September 30th and finally moves back into Aquarius on December 18th 2020. This will also herald the long awaited Jupiter – Saturn conjunction we’ve also had on the astrological radar. Jupiter expands what he touches. So let’s hope that after all these lessons and shifts in the world around us and within us, that this expansion really has some forward thinking genius in it, so we can move into this cycle of change without losing our way. Let’s embrace the technology that will help us navigate the path ahead for out highest good. Many people are falling ill to the ‘doomsday’ thinking. Don’t go down that slippery slope of negativity! Saturn in Aquarius can rewrite the rules and Saturn wants us always to hustle and bring our skills up to scratch otherwise be left behind. Feel the fear and do it anyway. ( A great book I read many moons ago ) 

When Jupiter meets Saturn on 21st December this year, ask yourselves, what should we hang onto and where can we let go, in order to catapult ourselves into a new league? Philosophical & expansive Jupiter (the great benefic) opens our minds and Saturn creates a structure for our thoughts to become tangible actions. All this with the infusion of Saturn in Aquarius, the spirit of revolution will be in the air! It might just be worth all of this chaos. Don’t lose your way, go within, find some peace daily, think of  ways to reinvent yourselves and know that life as we know it will never be the same again, and hopefully for the better. 

Take care and stay positive!