SYD – 1/8 – 1:11PM
LOND – 1/8 – 4:11AM

NYC – 31/7 – 11:11PM


Hi and welcome to this New Moon at 8 deg 36 min’s of Leo! Are you feeling the warmth and shift of energies now after experiencing all the watery emotions with Cancer? It is kind of nice to dry out under the balmy rays of our sun, especially in Leo. 



The Sun is in a very happy place his own sign of Leo. It exudes and instills in us a sense of joy, fun and creativity. The New Moon pulls on this energy of Sun in Leo in this position and so we should be feeling much more inspired and optimistic. Not to mention that Mercury on the same day is stationing to go direct at 24 degrees of Cancer. So we should have been revising and revisiting a few areas of our life and now get the green light to slowly but surely move forward with certain projects and also just gain more clarity in general. This is all about communication! Still in Cancer but soon to move forward into Leo mid August. The energy that has been gathered by the recent Full Moon Eclipse (Total Lunar  at 24 deg of Capricorn) so it has been waiting for this moment as it’s the trigger from all of what was going on around that event. Remember this is the lunar phase that asks us to lay those intentions out and see it all happening over the next few weeks and beyond. Lovely Venus is also conjunct the Sun and Moon at this time and so it’s also an especially beautiful placement to have over this time. This could also be a great time to form new love connections and enjoy some fun and romance. Heartfelt developments with children can happen as well. 

At this same time we also have Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn opposing the NN in Cancer so we still have that same push and pull around family Vs career and or status. Decisions need to be made as this is quite a strong indicator for the changes that really need to take place for our soul’s growth. Look for the balance and the win-win in these areas. Venus in Leo also trines Chiron in Aries. A very nice healing energy here. You may be finally stepping into yourself and moving away from being taken advantage of or losing yourself in some drama that denies your integrity. It is a really great indicator for healing those sorts of wounds. 

There also is a challenging square between Venus, Sun, Moon in Leo  and Uranus in Taurus. This could be about unexpected events relating to money, love and identity. Could be something else you revisit that hasn’t been ironed out or been swept under the carpet. Of course this all depends on where these planets are in your chart. There is that feeling of being unique and breaking the mould with Uranus in the mix, but with the two fixed energies with both Leo and Taurus, there will be some creaking and groaning around these changes. Taurus isn’t too happy with sudden change and impractical ideology. 

So overall there is some real opportunity to let go of what’s not been working for you, bring in the love from Venus and utilise that powerful Leo Sun and Moon to allow yourself to shine but without a huge ego (Mars not within close orb thank goodness), and yet with enough tension from Uranus asking us to be ready for the unexpected and trust in the universe to bring us the lessons we need. Eliminate procrastination and remember to ‘walk your walk’ and ‘talk your talk!’ 

I hope your New Moon is a beautiful one that heralds more love, warmth, excitement and healing. Bask in the warmth of this beautiful season of sunny Leo.