Well if you haven’t had enough excitement already with the recent Mercury Retrograde stirring up the works, hang on to your seat and get ready for another plunge into the deep waters of the things you hold near and dear as we approach this weekend’s Full Moon in earthy, sensual Taurus (Sunday Nov 17th) as it triggers off the already heavily stirred up world of money, love, sex and security. What is most interesting is that Venus (love, money, values) being in the earthy sign of Capricorn now also links up with the heavy weight planet of transformation – Pluto, which is in Capricorn. For those who have a fundamental understanding of Astrology, you will already be aware of the major aspects of these times which is the square between Pluto (deep transformation)and Uranus (revolution / change). They are now exact in this tight square so it is manifesting for us all individually and globally right now and continues to do again and again until early 2016. So……the end result will be changes all over the world, many of them disruptive. Think back to the Great Depression and the revolutionary social changes during the 1960’s.
Now, what happens it that other faster moving planets form other aspects on the top of these big aspects intensifying the whole thing. Depending on your own individual charts, these events are stirring up the works for us all, but overall the big message is around money, security and trust, intimacy, relationships, power, money (going hand in hand) and especially if you have planets in the cardinal signs – Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, and at 6-12 degrees, even more so.
Let’s break that down to explain. Venus – Pluto (both in Capricorn now & on same degree today) so magnifying that square or tension between Pluto and Uranus, tends towards intense and extreme reactions about love and sex. Also Pluto brings up the power struggles and the theme has been dragging about for over a year. So money, love and all that goes in that big basket is playing out in dramas for many. Much transformation taking place or otherwise complete destruction. The situation may rise like the Phoenix from the ashes and be born again in another form. Endings or new beginnings depending on how we manage these deep changes.
Venus – Uranus deals with the unexpected and often Uranus aspects represent freedom for yourself or someone else. Uranus is all about freedom, liberation, rebellion and so depending on where it is in your chart, there is a mood of independence and not wanting to be in a certain situation anymore. Doing it ‘my way or the highway’ tends to ring true. Expect the unexpected!
Venus can always involve money and so it is doubly strong being in the fold with the executive and financially concerned sign of Capricorn. It also goes Retrograde (backwards motion) on Dec 22nd, making this stay in Capricorn quite a lengthy one until March 5th 2014.
Full Moon in Taurus this Sunday, but either side we feel the energy, will intensify any situation and this moon is the natural ruler of the second house which rules money and values, so can you see how huge this current theme is for us all, globally and personally?
Dare I go on and remind you of Saturn in Scorpio? I would be remiss not to! 😉 He’s there until late Dec 2014. You see how Scorpio looks after our deepest emotions and dark and musty corners of our psyches, and needless to say our ‘shadows.’ Nothing will be missed under Scorpio’s deep and probing scrutiny. We also have Mercury rubbing up against the Moon’s North Node in Scorpio,connecting exactly next week on November 19th, but feeling it’s effects either side. It’s all about going deep, deep, deep! How we think, feel and relate to all of these big issues that we are learning about in the areas of duty, integrity, financial security, physical security, values, love, sex, intimacy, power. Venus gives it now a ‘love of security’ flavour. With this retrograde motion of Venus we will experience it going over Pluto again exact in late Jan/early Feb 2014, so just hitting on those topics again and again, making sure we are working on our issues well and truly, as with all retrogrades. Revise & review. Oh yes, Neptune, that nebulous planet of dreams, intuition and psychic realms has just gone direct after his retrograde sojourn since June this year, so we may now be aware of how much we have absorbed and discovered about our inner sensitivity. We may feel a little clearer about our new found perceptions. It is subtle yet the results may be astounding, and sometimes we don’t realize until we look back and see how much we’ve advanced particularly in our psychic abilities.
So, it’s time for BIG decisions! My future – what am i committing to? There is this feeling of pressure and it feels like we have less time perhaps. This is all tied up with the ascension process we are urged to surrender to. If we resist, we will feel it even more so. We need to ‘let go.’ Pluto & Uranus in square aspect to each other are asking us to be all that we can be, but remember to unite the divine and the physical. There is so much potential. Feel the fear and do it anyway! There is lots to discover about ourselves under these transits. Remember to breathe deep, go inward and get to the root of you own fears. Scorpio’s energy is all about that. Digging deep, and peeling back the layers. Getting down to the roots of our buried fears and pain. Deep emotional baggage must be left behind as it will bring release and great growth.
I wish you all a very stabilizing and yet fruitful Full Moon! Enjoy time in the garden, cooking up a storm in the kitchen or pamper yourselves with massage or other sensual delights of your choosing that make you feel ‘valued’ and loved.
Take care….love and light! 🙂