Well, a full ‘blood red’ moon and total solar eclipse in Aquarius has just taken place and will continue to beam this energy for at least six months or more. It attracted a lot of attention with it’s spectacular colour and vibrancy. This eclipse is very close to the Sth Node of the Moon which makes it very powerful indeed. 

This is a real polarity between the heart and the head. With the Sun in Leo the energy is always heartfelt and fiery in it’s essence. The Moon in the air sign of Aquarius is cooling to the emotions and is about the ‘bigger picture’ so can be a little detached. The mode here is also fixed as both signs are in this mode, so could also bring about some stubborn and staunch attitudes to deal with. On the positive it is good for commitment and finishing off those projects we may have been working on.  With an eclipse on the Sth Node of the Moon it is more about releasing and letting go, which is always what the Full Moon is expressing as well.  The planet Mars is right on the Sth Node and opposing the Sun during this eclipse as well so really adds to the strength of the feelings around this time. Mars is asking us where our passions lie, and making a hard square to Uranus (planet of change) it can be the spark we need to trigger a change or get the ball rolling in some areas of our lives that we’ve been needing to shake up and get moving on. Of course we must also be aware that Mars can be a bit combative and Uranus loves to disrupt so be mindful of the trouble this can cause in our relationships, as we are ripe for those triggers if we are operating in an unconscious manner. 

We are also in Retrograde season as well. Mercury has just begun his retrograde journey through Leo and will stay there until 19th August and will come out of shadow around 2nd September. So remember to double check plans, computer back ups, appointments and all those sorts of things that tend to go awry during this time. Always a great time to revise our plans and catch up with those tasks we’ve been pushing to one side. Communication can be confusing so be very careful with how you say things and don’t rely on text messages etc, as things can be easily misunderstood. 

Mars started his Retrograde phase on 26th June and finishes on 12th August and comes out of shadow around 8th October. This is a time whereby his normally assertive and feisty energy is turned inward, and the usual benefits of that outward and pioneering attitude may not have the expected and desired results. It can feel very frustrating. He is also sitting right on the Sth Node of the Moon so it magnifies the need to release or let go of outmoded attitudes. So as I’ve already mentioned, when Mars and Uranus are at a square (or challenging) angle to each other, it can set the stage for some very combustable and unexpected outbursts and quite negative expressions of anger and frustration. Uranus is slowing down in preparation for his Retrograde phase also. Starting 7th August and finishing up on 1st Jan 2019. Uranus is in the earthy sign of Taurus currently and will be there until April 2026! It is said to be in its ‘fall’ in the sign of Taurus as the energies are quite mis-matched. Uranus is future orientated and electric in it’s style and Taurus prefers the slow and quiet life and isn’t very comfortable with this electric energy firing up the engine. Unfortunately it may support the already ugly face of right wing politics. Since March 2011, Uranus has been transiting through individualistic Aries, igniting radical activism. During this era, we saw the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, the Black Lives Matter movement—plus Marriage Equality and the Women’s March. In renegade Aries spirit, the people have raised their voices in the name of inclusion and human rights. On the hotheaded flip side, this cycle also stirred a few frightening fringe uprisings, including violent “alt-right” rallies, ISIS and a spike in post-election hate crimes.

The worst manifestations of Uranus in Taurus can be bigotry, stubbornness and warmongering. Adolf Hitler, a Taurus, seized power just as Uranus was ending its last transit of Aries, and retained his dictatorial grip through the 1930s, while Uranus was in Taurus. Mussolini also came into power during this last Uranus in Taurus transit, spreading fascism. As we enter the same cycle 84 years later, extreme right-wing candidates are once again on the rise, spinning propaganda through social media, slanted news outlets, populist rallies and cyber hacking.Hopefully, we will learn from history and not underestimate the “fringe” groups’ ability to organise and gain critical mass.

We also have a positive planetary placement between Uranus and Saturn both sitting at 2 degrees of earth signs so speaking very harmoniously to each other. Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in it’s own sign of Capricorn is a great leveller in amongst all of this. The universe does lend us a hand in these trying times. This is a great opportunity to take what you’re dreaming about and give it legs and make it materialise with some effort. They are very karmic in nature these two planets so work well together. 

Uranus gives us the lessons of healthy detachment and Mars talks about our personal power. With both planets operating under a retrograde influence, their lessons will be strong and testing at times. Uranus retrograde favours activities that require bursts of inventive and intuitive energy. It favours psychological counselling connected with freedom urges and disconnected patterns of relating. Mars squaring off here challenges these concepts and will attempt to thwart the positive direction of forward thinking Uranus and brings about some destructive rather than constructive energies. There is duality here so with Mars in Aquarius also opposing the Sun in Leo and sitting right next to the Sth Node, there is a tug-of-war between the heart and the head, which may override our integrated awareness. This is about clearing, completion and releasing. Being around nature and going within to check on how you may be reacting to the events around you will be very helpful and healing. Be aware of what is triggering you during this time. It will be very illuminating. 

As with all full moons and particularly with this most powerful eclipse, grow in awareness, move forward with fresh insights that help you blossom and become the revised and better version of yourself. Release the old outmoded and often unhealthy habits and step up to the challenges, be in your own power and remember the self care practices to help you enjoy this journey.