Dream big on this Full Moon in Pisces!
Here we are already two weeks down the track from that powerful Solar Eclipse in Leo and now we are diving into the soulful waters of a Piscean Full Moon at 13 degrees 53 minutes. We have the Sun now in Virgo and so these two luminaries are opposite each other exact on September the 6th.
The times are: Sydney 6/9 – 5.02pm
NYC 6/9 – 3.02am
London 6/9 – 8.02am
With the Sun now in the sign of Virgo and opposing Moon in Pisces, we have the culmination period of the moon phase. We also have some interesting triggers going over the eclipse degree of 28 deg Leo, such as Mercury, and at the same time he is stationing to go direct after his retrograde phase. This will help us to move forward on some areas of our lives that may have been frustratingly tangled up or delayed in some way. It’s always good to give it another week before we feel the full benefit of Mercury’s direct movement. Mars also moved over this eclipse point as well on 5/9 so energetically this tends to accentuate the areas where we need to see those changes that may still be taking shape or maybe haven’t realised as yet. Mercury also makes a harmonious trine aspect to Uranus in Aries on this 28 degree point which could facilitate genius ideas and some epiphanies so be alert for creative and unexpected ideas to pop up. Mars transiting in Virgo from 5/9 to 22/10 encourages more order and helps us to operate in a more grounded and organised way. It can bring a desire to be of service as this is the true quality of the sign of Virgo.
This full moon in Pisces brings in a sense of compassion, sensitivity and a spiritual awareness. Some of the negative tendencies can be some passive aggression, feeling victimised and can stir up all sorts of deep psychological issues. So it’s important to go easy on oneself and be aware of how you feel with the watery emotions of this full moon. Neptune (ruler of Pisces) is also closely positioned next to this moon so increasing the dreaminess of the whole experience. Be mindful of not overindulging as this can be a tendency with Neptune featuring so strongly.
On 18/9 Venus conjuncts the eclipse point so this can ignite the developments of love, relationships, money issues and all things Venus related. This eclipse point is really being triggered so it will be good to be as aware as possible over this month and try to stay on track with those issues close to your heart and those areas that have really been the focus for you over the last month.
So thinking about how or what we may be manifesting or pulling into our lives right now is the key, and try to understand why we needed to make the changes we are making to move forward. Now we are being urged to move beyond the ‘self’ or the more ego based goals, to expand beyond the physical or mundane plane. We are invited to release and surrender and merge with the ‘collective consciousness’ as opposed to ‘self consciousness.’ As we were under the influence of the Leo (Solar) energy with that Solar Eclipse and New Moon two weeks ago. It was an important process, as it is also now to share with the world what we have learnt or manifested. Pisces is now offering the transcendence of the ‘self’. This will help to remind us that we are able to expand beyond the ego, and get out of our fixed mind sets and understand we are neither our thoughts or our bodies. Let’s not over identify with that ‘little me.’ Neptune next to this moon will help us to feel that everything is connected and we can still play our own individual roles without losing sight of this. What a great time to practice the art of just ‘being!’ Bring in some meditation or whatever your spiritual practices may be. Take time out and walk in nature. Anything that helps you feel connected to nature and its beauty and strengthens your life force.
Be careful of your personal boundaries as with the Pisces energy they can be a little down. With Mercury finishing his retrograde cycle just prior to this full moon we have an opportunity to release and let go of some of those patterns of thinking that don’t work very well for us. As will all full moons it is a time of culmination and preparing to let go or a final release, to get ready for the next phase of the lunar cycle. Let this month of Sun in Virgo bring you the gifts of discrimination, order and help you to discover the blessings of this polarity of Pisces and Virgo as there is so much healing on offer as we learn to transcend the perceived limitations of the physical and the illusion of separateness, but at the same time learn the importance of being of service to others, and accumulating the required methods, processes and practices which bring about the perfection of the lower self – discrimination in form. Virgo helps us to identify what must be done to support one’s direction for spiritual growth while at the same time creating practical opportunities for the soul on earth in its human form.
Have a soulful and wonderful Full Moon in Pisces!