SYD – 19/4/19  9:12pm
LOND – 19/4 12:12pm
NY – 19/4 7:12am


Welcome to the Full Moon in Llibra. This is the second full moon in this month of April and also in the sign of Libra. The first one was at the very beginning of the sign at 0 deg and this one is at the last degree of 29, so it is a really powerful and meaningful theme we have going on with this Venus ruled moon. With the Sun now in fiery and hard hitting Aries, there will be a palpable difference in how we feel and express ourselves. Aside from Mercury, planet of communication, going direct after a rather long retrograde phase, we can finally feel our inner engines firing up again, ready to move forward on our projects and best laid plans. 

Now that we’ve reached the culmination of this full moon we can celebrate a sense of achievement as we have been under pressure as we approached this illumination. With this Venusian energy however, there can be a sudden change in our emotional world. She is the ruler of our relationships so what is highlighted is what may or may not be working in this arena, both personal and in business. Mercury is up close and personal with Chiron, the asteroid of the wounded healer archetype, making this a very sensitive time that prompts us to have that conversation and to dig deep for some resolution. They do work together well to heal old wounds. Venus all the time reminding us of what really matters, when developing or growing within our partnerships. Hopefully cultivating understanding and discovering the needs and receiving and giving support to enhance the connection.

A positive way to work with this full moon is to forgive the people that have wronged us and realise we are all learning the same lessons fundamentally. Share ways to develop our relationships and make new commitments to each other. Another indicator of the strength of this full moon in Libra is that Venus (ruler of Libra & Taurus) is at 29 degrees, the very end of that sign and is also at her best in Pisces. It is know as being exalted in Pisces so she’s in the most favourable mode of expression here. Also 29 degrees highlights endings and transitions. The moon also stands across the sky from Uranus, the rebel and great awakener, who has also just moved into Taurus – ruled by Venus! There is a very strong theme here with Venus being the main actor. 

What was hidden will now be revealed under not only the full moon but particularly with Uranus in this close proximity to the sun in Aries. Usually one would expect to see a huge shift in consciousness, and again this last degree may trigger some of our shadow side. We may have been over doing the congeniality and diplomacy and now it calls for some realisations of what really needs to be said or done. This is how Uranus strikes, with clarity of vision and sometimes without thinking before they speak. Same goes for the Aries energy. Apart from sitting next to Uranus, the sun is also straddled by an asteroid – Eris, the Goddess of discord. So with Uranus and Eris here and making a strong square to Saturn and Pluto in conservative & repressive Capricorn, there is a real stirring of the pot going on, both socially and within us. With these energies it signals to break down and break through. This kind of makes diplomacy difficult. 

Along with the tight grouping of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is the Nodal axis at 21 deg of Cancer & Capricorn, strengthening the tense square to the Sun, Uranus and Eris in Aries. This is a very karmic signature in astrology. Lots of deep lessons to be learnt here. On 24th April Pluto stations and is slowing down to go retrograde along with Saturn on 30th April. These outer and slow moving, but powerful planets will be magnifying the symbolism of this archetype – power and control, boundaries, divisions and separation. All a part of this transformation of how power is operating in society and in our own personal worlds. We can see evidence of this big time all around the world.  

I hope we can all see the benefits and opportunities for growth and breakthrough’s in the areas of our lives wherever these energies are operating. This is a very dynamic sky at the moment. The moon’s phases are a great barometer for how life is flowing and manifesting through and around us. This full moon will gently start to wind down, waning, reminding us to join her in this slowing down to reflect upon the previous month and to once again, prepare and nourish the soil of the life we toil, looking forward to the germination of new ideas and methods which assist us in our perpetual personal growth. Enjoy & take care of each other.